Old Home Restoration Ann Arbor MI – Saline Painting – Call 734-429-1900

Old Home Restoration Ann Arbor MI

Old Home Restoration Ann Arbor MI

You might find that some features of your older home are somewhat dated and no longer very practical for your daily needs. Or parts of your older home may be in need of significant repairs. When this is the case there are some options to consider – namely a complete rebuild or restoration.

As experienced contractors the Ann Arbor area, we urge owners of older homes to consider the benefits of restoration, particularly when you have a distinct home that you would like to keep:

-Cultural aspects. There is something special about older homes that have ties to the past. They can have major historical and cultural value, and it is certainly worth preserving those features!

-Owning a home that has unique character. As time goes on, there are simply not as many historical, older homes around any more in some communities. While there are many “cookie-cutter” houses that are contemporary in their design, there is something to consider in owning an older home with lots of character.

-Sustainability. Every day across the nation enormous amounts of building debris and waste materials are dropped into landfills. But by restoring your older home and keeping the attractive features it has already, your project won’t accumulate a lot of waste in comparison to doing a total rebuild.

-You can add new features later on. A fully restored older home can still utilize contemporary features that are practical and useful for modern families. The electrical system and plumbing components can be modernized in order to handle the needs of your household. You can also install newer features like a fireplace.

Get your older home restoration project started today. Contact Saline Painting at 734-429-1900 to schedule a consultation with our knowledgeable team of restoration experts.