Creaking floorboards. Peeling wallpaper. Faded grandeur. Is your Ann Arbor home whispering tales of yesteryear? At Saline Painting, we’re not just listeners. We’re storytellers specializing in Old Home Restoration Ann Arbor MI. An experienced carpentry team able to turn back time while pushing boundaries forward. In the heart of Michigan, where history breathes through every Victorian spindle and Craftsman beam, we’re here to make your home sing again.

The Art of Resurrection

Remember the first time you stepped into your old Ann Arbor home? The potential you saw beneath years of neglect? We see it too. Crumbling plaster? We’ve got this. Warped wood? Child’s play. Our team doesn’t just focus on painting. We resurrect. How? By blending time-honored techniques with cutting-edge innovation. It’s not just Old Home Restoration Ann Arbor MI. It’s reincarnation.

Color: The Silent Narrator

What stories do your walls hold? With our historical color analysis, we’ll find out. Forget modern swatches. We dig deeper. Layer by layer, we uncover the original hues that once adorned your home. Want to stay true to history or add your own twist? We’ll craft a palette that honors the past while embracing your vision. Isn’t it time your walls spoke volumes?

Old Home Restoration Ann Arbor MI

Old Home Restoration Ann Arbor MI

Energy Efficiency: Teaching Old Homes New Tricks

Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too? Your historic Old Home Restoration Ann Arbor MI gem can be as energy-efficient as any modern build. Without losing an ounce of charm. How? It’s all in the details. Invisible weatherstripping. Discreet insulation. Period-appropriate storm windows. We make your home work smarter, not harder. Can you imagine lower bills and a smaller carbon footprint in your piece of history?

Craftsmanship: Where Past Meets Present

In a world of mass production, we stand for something different. Our Old Home Restoration Ann Arbor MI experts aren’t just painters. They’re historians. Archaeologists. Each brushstroke, each restored detail, is a labor of love. We don’t just match patterns. We recreate them. Using techniques passed down through generations. Ever seen a hand-painted faux marble finish that could fool a geologist? You will.

The Saline Painting Experience

Picture this: You’re sipping coffee in your freshly restored 1890s kitchen. Sunlight streams through energy-efficient windows that look straight out of a history book. The walls, painted in a historically accurate hue, glow with new life. This isn’t a dream. It’s what we deliver. Every. Single. Day.

From Concept to Masterpiece

The Old Home Restoration Ann Arbor MI process isn’t a sprint. It’s a marathon. And we’re with you every step of the way. Need to work in phases? No problem. We’ll create a plan that fits your timeline and budget. Want to be hands-on? Let’s collaborate. Prefer to leave it to the experts? Sit back and watch the magic unfold.

Ann Arbor’s Hidden Gems

Did you know Ann Arbor boasts over 60 individual historic districts? From the stately homes of the Old West Side to the charming bungalows of Burns Park, each neighborhood tells a unique story. And we know them all. Greek Revival, Italianate, Queen Anne – we speak their language fluently. Your home isn’t just a project. It’s part of Ann Arbor’s living history.

The Devil’s in the Details

Ever noticed how a freshly restored home just feels different? It’s not just the paint. It’s the little things. The perfectly replicated crown molding. The carefully stripped and refinished hardwood floors. The period-appropriate light fixtures. At Saline Painting, we obsess over these details. Because we know they’re not just details. They’re the soul of your Old Home Restoration Ann Arbor MI.

Modern Comfort, Timeless Charm

Who says you can’t have central air in a Victorian mansion? Or smart home features in a Craftsman bungalow? We specialize in invisible upgrades. State-of-the-art systems hidden behind historic facades. Want to control your 1920s radiators with your smartphone? We can make it happen. It’s not about changing your home’s character. It’s about enhancing it.

Your Home’s Renaissance Awaits

Ann Arbor’s historic homes aren’t just buildings. They’re time capsules. Your legacy. Isn’t it time to honor that legacy? To preserve it for future generations? To make it shine like never before? Saline Painting is ready to bring your legacy to life with an Old Home Restoration Ann Arbor MI.

Don’t let another day go by with fading glory. Your home deserves better. You deserve better. Call Saline Painting at 734-320-1301 today. Let’s start the next chapter in your home’s epic tale. In Ann Arbor, MI, we’re not just restoring homes. We’re preserving memories. Creating legacies. One brushstroke at a time.